Raganos neegzistuoja

Raganos neegzistuoja 2014 online
Metai: 2014
Trukmė: 1h 21min
Kalba: Lietuvių (Profesionalus, vienbalsis)
Režisisavo: Aramis Tatu, Adel Adelson
Aktoriai: Aliyah Kolf, Senna Borsato, Leontine Ruiters
On her 13th birthday Katie, a talented young girl, receives a magical amulet. This amulet was on a quest to find the fifth and last witch to complete the order of the star witches. Because in it's incomplete form, the order is unable to protect earth against the evil witch Concuela. While Katie is exploring her new magical powers together with her best friend Roy, Grimbeck, the dandy gatekeeper of the star witches arena, as well as the evil Concuela are desperately trying to find Katie.
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